Accurate Engineers are leading manufacturer and supply of die Sets. We cater all your needs of Ball Bearing Cages. We offer 14 standard Ball Bearing Cages and also we provide the Ball Bearing Cages in the sizes suggested by you.

Ball Bearing Cages
Standered Bearing Al./Brass
Ball Bearing Cages
Non Standered Bearing Al./Brass
No. I.D.X O.D.X Length X Ball No. I.D.X O.D.X Length X Ball
1. 20 26 65 3 1. 15 21 70 3
2. 25 31 70 3 2. 16 22 70 3
3. 28 36 80 4 3. 19 25 70 3
4. 32 40 80 4 4. 24 30 70 3
5. 32 40 100 4 5. 18 24 70 3
6. 36 44 90 4 6. 30 38 80 4
7. 40 48 90 4 7. 32 40 100 4
8. 36 44 105 4
9. 38 46 105,125 4
10. 40 48 105,125 4
11. 48 58 105,125 5
12. 50 60 105,125 5
13. 60 70 125 5

Accurate Ball Bearings are recommended for use where Axial, Axial / Rotary & Rotary movements are required in case like machine tools, press tolls, pillar sets and jigs & fixtures.

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